
Discover all our internal communication events, with our clients or our solidarity operations.

3,2,1... Go! 🏃‍♂️🏁

The 29th Troyes half-marathon took place this weekend ! A sporting morning marked by the team spirit, good humor and smiles of the participants present.

This year, 3 Groupe Prieur teams volunteered to take up the challenge of the corporate relay (3 x 7 km)!

Congratulations to all our sportsmen and women, who outdid themselves and achieved great performances:

🥇Team 1: 1’40’22 made up of Julien, Yohan and Pierre-Antoine.

🥇Team 2: 2’04’33 made up of Armelle, Ana and Cindy.

🥇Team 3: 2’10’22 composed of Rémy, Marylène and Célia.

Musical cocktail at the "Musée d'Art Moderne" de Troyes 🍸

A look back at an unforgettable evening !

On Tuesday May 14, Groupe Prieur organized a musical cocktail party at the Musée d’Art Moderne de Troyes in honor of its customers.

It was an evening of conviviality and sharing, giving guests the opportunity to discover art in all its forms…

At the start of the evening, guests had the chance to rediscover the Musée d’Art Moderne, which recently reopened after years of refurbishment. Then, in a warm atmosphere, the evening continued with Irma Pany’s private concert 🎵, all accompanied by cocktail pieces made live before their very eyes. 

Thank you to everyone who took part in this event and helped make it a success !

Estac Business Cup 2024 🏆

Wednesday April 30 saw the 2nd edition of the Estac Business Cup, an inter-company tournament organized by Estac Troyes.

A half-day marked by conviviality and sharing, it was the perfect opportunity to exchange ideas with other companies in the department.

⚽On the pitch, Team Prieur showed real team spirit.

A big thank you to all the players for their dedication and good humor ! 

It’s through sporting events like this that we reinforce our corporate spirit.

Des Chiffres & de l'Art" exhibition opening

A look back at the opening of the “Des Chiffres & de l’Art” exhibition in Romilly/Seine 🎨

Last week, Groupe Prieur customers, associates and staff gathered for an evening where art and creativity were in the spotlight.

It was the perfect opportunity to show the talent of local artists and our firm’s commitment to culture.

🎉 A big bravo to the artists, who shared their universe with passion, and a huge thank you to all those who contributed to the success of this event!

Paris 2024 Half Marathon 🏃

This Sunday, March 3, Team Prieur got together for a sporting challenge: to run 21 km across the capital during the Paris Half-Marathon.


Congratulations to our 5 half-marathoners for their determination & fine performances! 👏 🏅

Galette des rois 2024

The “galette des rois” invites itself to the cabinet! 👑

A not-to-be-missed event in January, Groupe Prieur partners and associates got together for a moment of sharing and indulgence over a delicious galette des rois!

What better way to kick off 2024?

Christmas 2023 🎄

A look back at December, a month of sharing, conviviality and good cheer !

Once again this year, employees enjoyed the traditional Christmas meal, took part in Secret santa and competed to win the title of “ugliest Christmas sweater”.

What better way to end 2023 on a high note !

A Christmas with a big heart ! ♥️

Toy drive for the underprivileged 🧸

Our firm is organizing a toy drive at the reception desks of our various sites in Troyes, Romilly/Seine, Nogent/Seine, Provins and Paris. 

Do you have toys in good condition that your children no longer use ?

Drop them off at one of our branches until December 14, 2023, and we’ll donate them to the French Red Cross, to bring joy to a child this Christmas !

#Mois Sans Tabac: In November, we quit together

#Mois Sans Tabac: In November, we quit together

Groupe Prieur supports those who want to stop smoking💪

Because a month without smoking is 5 times more likely to quit !!! 

Brochures and “smoke-free month” kits are available at the reception desks of our various sites.

For more information:

The Prieur team laces up its boots !

⚽ A close-knit team, in the office and on the pitch!

What better way to unite employees around a common goal of success than futsal ?

Our Team meets regularly at the Complexe Stadio Pizzeria (in Lavau) to take on other accounting firms in friendly matches. 

These sporting encounters are an excellent way of strengthening the cohesion and team spirit of our staff !

Treely special "accounting firm" challenge

Team building for committed companies 🌱

This year, Groupe Prieur is taking part in the solidarity walking challenge between accounting firms.

More than 50 French firms will be competing in this special edition!   

The principle is simple:

  • A 12-day walking challenge.
  • Every 10,000 steps, a tree is planted.
  • Walk as much as possible and beat all the other firms in France!

The challenge will take place from October 5 to 17, 2023, as part of European Sustainable Development Week and Pink October 🎗.

On your marks, get set… Plant !

Pink October 2023

🎗️ Working together against breast cancer!

This year, the Prieur Group is highlighting its commitment through a variety of events:

  • Participation in Marches Roses, Rando Pédestres…
  • Sales of “Pink October” goodies
  • Organization of an in-house Pink Tombola

Thanks to everyone’s contribution, the firm managed to donate the very attractive sum of €1,136 to the Ligue Contre le Cancer de l’Aube !

Internal seminar 2023

Groupe Prieur goes on an adventure ! ☀️🧳

Last September, our firm went “to the ends of the earth” to discover Le Conquet !

Under the Breton sun, our teams took advantage of a privileged moment to exchange ideas and get together in an idyllic setting.

The charm of Village Beauséjour and the various activities on offer won over the whole team!

Christmas for All!

Solidarity toy drive from 15/11/2021 to 14/12/2021

From 15 November to 14 December 2021, come and drop off your new or second-hand toys (complete and in good condition) at the collection points at our sites.

The toys will be distributed to several local associations.

There are no small gestures…

Pink October 2021

The Prieur Group supports the league against cancer by participating in the Pink October operation, an annual communication campaign designed to raise awareness of breast cancer screening and to collect funds for research.

For this occasion, various goodies such as pins, bracelets, candles, bags, pens, calendars… are on sale at the reception of our sites and are available for customers and employees.

Sales are donated to the Ligue contre le Cancer de l’Aube. For you, ladies, prevention brochures and good practice guides are available.

Our logo is dressed in pink for the occasion and will be promoted on our social networks.

Internal seminar 2021

The Prieur Group supports training by sponsoring the Grandes écoles Y Schools.

A look back at our last internal seminar which took place in September 2021 in Vittel!
Two beautiful days where our 5 sites were gathered. A total of 120 employees took part in various sporting and festive activities with the aim of developing team cohesion.

70 years of the Prieur Group

The Prieur Group celebrated the 70th anniversary of the firm on 13 September 2017. Surrounded by clients and associates, the evening was enlivened by a photocall with Olivier Frajman, a play by the firm’s partners, a magic show by Sylvain Mirouf and, finally, a gourmet buffet prepared by Tonton Farine and Claire & Hugo.


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